The IHA programme hookedforLife has been adopted by the LHA. The programme is essential component for anyone involved in hockey including players, coaches, parents and administrators. The goal of the hooked for Life model is to recruit, capture, develop and retain players through:
1. A clear holistic pathway - which is easy to understand and covers all strands (both performance and grassroots)
2. Being 'Player' centred - focusing on the participation element of being in a team (rather than individual) sport
3. Fun and enjoyable - developing a love of the game for life (considering both wants and needs of players)
4. Quality and fun coaching - at all levels
5. Understood by all - so that it is easy to locate a player and understood by non hockey players/parents.
HookedforLife has been developed principally around the 3 main fundamental areas:
1. The PLAYER - meeting the need of the player
2. THE COACH - to ensure the key deliverer of the scheme understands what each player should
3. The GAME - game formats which suit the need of the player
With the PLAYER at the heart of the model the needs, requirements and motivation are placed at the forefront. GAMES have been developed at Phases 1-3 which are designed to ensure that players develop in a fun and stimulating environment which systematically introduces the physical, technical and tactical components. The approach of the COACH is essential in delivering the GAME to the needs of the PLAYER and as such are paramount to Hockeyforlife model.
Hooked4Life Downloads
The following hookedforLife downloads are available. In addition the IHA regularly run courses which have been designed around each of the hookedforLife modules.
Long Term Player Development Model Click Here
Hooke4Life Detailed Overview Click Here
Hooked4Life Player Pathway Click Here
Hooked4Life Coach Pathway Click Here
Hooked on Fun Click Here
Phase One - Fun 4s Click Here
Phase Two - Super 6s Click Here
Phase Three - Extreme 8's Click Here
Hooked on Hockey Hexagon Click Here